- Dealing With Criminal Matters From Murder To Motoring Offences
- Specialists In Serious Crime, Miscarriages Of Justice And Prison Law
- Available And On Call 24 Hours A Day / 365 Days A Year
- All Work Is Claimed Under Legal Aid Where Available
The Criminal Defence and Appeals Team based in our Moseley office. It is headed by GORDON PETERS, who qualified as a solicitor in 1990 and was accredited as a Court and Police Station Duty Solicitor a couple of years later. He attends Magistrates Courts and Police Stations on a daily basis. His methodical approach to preparation and calm approach to advocacy guarantee a high quality service. Gordon has a formidable record of victories in magistrates’ court trials. He deals with general crime from private motoring matters to murder. After being released from a police station without charge having been arrested for double murder, one client commented, "I DO EXACTLY WHAT GORDON TELLS ME".
Visit our website for more info http://www.hhb-law.co.uk/